The call for abstracts is now Open!
This year's conference theme is 'Sustainable primary care – caring for people and the planet.
We welcome submissions covering all aspects relevant to primary care research, education and policy across the breadth of primary care practice and specifically those addressing this year’s theme:
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed independently by at least two peer reviewers. The review process aims to ensure that submissions meet the criteria for quality, relevance and importance. This is put in place to select the highest quality submissions for the conference program. We welcome interesting, well designed and well conducted work.
All abstracts submitted and accepted for oral paper presentations will be considered for the Best Oral Paper Award, the ‘Excellence in Translating Evidence into Practice’ Award ’ and the 'A sustainable future in primary care research Award'.
You may also additionally nominate your paper to be considered for the Early Career Researchers Best Paper Award, the Best First-Time Presenter Award, the SAPC (Society for Academic Primary Care) and/or the NAPCRG (North American Primary Care Research Group) Distinguished Paper Awards.
All abstracts submitted and accepted for poster presentations will be considered for the Best Poster Award.
Please click on the link below to submit your abstracts. This link will take you to the abstract submission portal where you will need to click create new account. All first time visitors will need to create a new account; the system will not recognise the details you use to login to the AAAPC site.
The following details will be required for abstract submissions:
Oral presentations will be selected from the highest scoring abstracts.
The Conference Committee will only consider completed research for oral presentations.
Abstract submissions must contain no more than 300 words (excluding title, including subheadings).
All abstracts must include the following subheadings: Background, Aim/Objectives, Methods, Findings, Implications.
The Conference Committee will consider both completed research as well as work-in-progress for poster presentations.
Abstract submissions must contain no more than 300 words (excluding title, including subheadings).
All abstracts must include the following subheadings: Background, Aim/Objectives, Methods, Findings, Implications.
Ahead of the Conference, accepted poster presenters must prepare a physical poster in portrait orientation, size AO (84.1 x 118.9cm).
All posters will be on display in the exhibition space for the duration of the Conference.
The Conference Committee welcomes submissions for interactive workshops that aim to build skills for primary care researchers and educators and/or explore and gather ideas relevant to primary care.
Workshops should be relevant for participants from different disciplines across primary care research, education and clinical practice, and from diverse career stages. Workshops should use creative formats (eg. "post-it notes", online quizzes or polls) and not merely presenting in a didactic format.
Possible workshops could consider covering areas such as:
If you have an idea that does not fit into one of these areas please get in touch with us via email to
All workshops will be 60 minutes in length.
If you require delegates to complete pre-conference reading, quick survey or short assignment, please indicate this in your submission including the estimated amount of time required.
Abstract submissions must contain no more than 500 words (excluding title, including subheadings).
All abstracts must include the following subheadings: Aim and intended outcome/educational objectives, Format, Content, Intended audience (include a maximum number of participants if you wish).