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Neil Carson Medal

Nominations for 2024 are now closed.

The Neil Carson Medal is an award to recognise AAAPC members who have made and will continue to make contributions of an international standard to leadership in primary care and medical education. This annual award was created in 2020.

Neil Carson was a pioneer of general practice and general practice-led research. Neil was founder and first president of the Australian Association for Academic General Practice (now AAAPC) from 1983 to 1989 and served as Head of the Department of General Practice at Monash University from its inception until his retirement in 1992. He served many other leadership roles within the sector, including as RACGP Chair of Victoria Faculty. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1993. He has trained and mentored some of the greatest primary care leaders in Australia.

The AAAPC is proud to support this award as part of the organisation’s commitment to leadership in primary care and medical education. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Both the nominee and nominator must be current financial members of the AAAPC
  • The nominator should submit a brief statement addressing the judging criteria
  • An academic curriculum vitae of the nominee should be attached to the nomination form

Download the nomination form here

Judging Criteria

  • Level and standing of their contribution to the leadership in primary care and medical education in Australia and/or New Zealand
  • The level of international contribution and/or recognition
  • The likelihood that the person will continue in the academic primary care environment and make further contributions to the discipline

At most one award will be made annually, selected by a panel of three (at least one member from the executive) appointed by the President.


2024 Prof Lynn McBain University of Otago, Wellington
2022 Prof Kirsty Douglas Australian National University



President: Tim Stokes

Address: PO Box 320, Flinders Lane, VIC 8009

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