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Oral Presentations

Please email your PowerPoint slides to by COB Thursday 8th August, labelled with your name_session_presentation title. Please also bring a copy on USB to the Conference as a back-up. On the day you will simply need to click on your name on the computer in the room to access your presentation.

Presenters, Chairs and Assistant Chairs are required to report to the room where their session is being held 10 minutes prior to the session starting time to ensure that you and your co-presenters are ready for the session. This allows you all to meet and gives time to run through the session outline, upload slides, check pronunciation of names etc.

PowerPoint presentations will need to be uploaded to the computer in the room on the day, by the presenter, before the session commences.

Please format your presentation in WIDESCREEN for best results.

At the start of the session the Chairs should introduce themselves, the topic of the session and the general format of the session. All presenters are to be introduced by the Chairs as per the program.

Chairs are responsible for ensuring the session runs on time. Please refer to the program to check the session time.

Presenters have been allocated 11 minutes—this includes 8 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for question time.

Please do not go over time—this allows all concurrent sessions to run in parallel and enables delegates to move between sessions without disturbing presenters.

Questions from the audience may be taken at the end of each presentation. There may be further opportunity for more general questions at the end of the session. Please keep strictly to time. The Chair is responsible for identifying the next person to ask a question. It may be advisable to have several pre-prepared questions to start (or keep) the discussion going.

Poster Presentations

*Reminder that all poster presenters need to print their own poster and bring it to the Conference.

Each poster is limited in size to PORTRAIT orientation, size 90cm x 120cm. Nothing larger can be accommodated.

Poster boards will be Velcro compatible so please bring Velcro.

There will be a dedicated Poster Walk during afternoon tea on Thursday, and morning tea on Friday. These sessions will provide a great opportunity to speak with other delegates about your work and prior to the Conference you will be allocated a session to stand by your poster.

Presenters will be allocated a poster session on either the Thursday or Friday. The conference committee will email you with more details.

You are encouraged to bring printed A4 copies of your poster to distribute to delegates during the session.


You will have 60 minutes to present your workshop, providing opportunities for learning and practising new skills.

PowerPoint presentations will need to be uploaded to the computer in the room on the day, by the presenter, before the session commences.

Please note that participants will not have the opportunity to do pre-conference work in preparation.




President: Tim Stokes

Address: PO Box 320, Flinders Lane, VIC 8009

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