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AAAPC Travelling Fellowship

Nominations for 2024 are now closed

AAAPC Travelling Fellowships are offered in years where the Executive deem that sufficient funds are available to support the award. The Fellowships will be reviewed annually to ensure it is best meeting the needs of our AAAPC members.

In 2022, a total fellowship pool of $10,000 is available. There are two types of Travelling Fellowships available:

1.     AAAPC Travelling Research Fellowship

2.     AAAPC Travelling Education Fellowship

AAAPC Travelling Research Fellowship

The following are guidelines applicable to the AAAPC Travelling Research Fellowship 2024 only.


  • Foster collaborations between Australasian primary care researchers and their departments or organisations.
  • Enable partnerships with international primary care researchers and/or external stakeholders.
  • Provide support particularly, but not exclusively for, early career researchers
  • Support First Nations (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pacific) primary care academics across Australasia.


The Travelling Fellowship is available for any activity that meets the aims of the program. This could include assisting members of AAAPC to undertake academic activities including travel to another institution to initiate or continue a joint primary care research project, and costs associated with carrying out research, dissemination, professional development and impact.

Value and criteria for use of grant

Applications are welcome for amounts up to $5000. Fellowships must be used within twelve months of the fellowship being offered. The funds can contribute to travel costs and accommodation, plus other items such as professional development, and conference registration. The funding cannot be used to cover costs for meals and other incidentals, or publication fees for academic journals. Funds are provided by reimbursement on production of receipts.

Other fellowship requirements

Fellows must provide a report to the AAAPC Executive (~500 words) on completion of their fellowship to describe the use of funds, project outcomes and aspects of collaboration. This will be shared with AAAPC members via social media, newsletters, and on the webpage, to promote transparency of funding and to bring attention to the fellowship for future applicants. Fellows may also be invited to deliver a webinar to members on their experience, learnings and/or achievements as a result of their award.

Eligibility criteria
Applicants must:

  • Be a current financial member of AAAPC & have held membership for at least one year before applying; student and First Nations members do not have a time limit on their membership for eligibility;
  • Be actively involved in primary care research;
  • Have not been awarded an AAAPC Travelling Fellowship in the previous four years, including the AAAPC Travelling Education Fellowship.

Call for application

Applications will be opened on 25th August 2024.

Submission process

Applications must be in minimum font size 11 point. A PDF version (in one document) should be submitted electronically to the AAAPC Secretariat ( by 5pm (AEST) 11th October 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.

Your application must include:

  • Contact details, please include if you are a student and/or First Nations member
  • Plain language summary of proposed use of funding including aims & objectives and how it will contribute and further your primary care academic career (max. 300 words)
  • Outline of activities - include how your proposed activities clearly link to the aims of your fellowship (maximum two A4 pages; table format is preferred)
  • Outcome (max 300 words) - explain how your proposed Fellowship will benefit yourself, your institution and the wider AAAPC community
  • Budget, including in-kind contributions and/or other funding sources
  • Brief curriculum Vitae - no more than two pages
  • Letter of support from head of your institution/department confirming that the financial support sought is NOT available from your home institution/department
  • If applicable, letter of support from the institution/department hosting your visit

Assessment process

1. Eligibility check – the application will be reviewed for eligibility including the financial membership status of the applicant.

2. Peer Review - applications will be reviewed by three members of AAAPC (without conflicts of interest) based on the aims of the Fellowship Program, in particular:

a) relevance to the goals and values of the Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care;

b) track record of the applicant relative to opportunity;

c) commitment to academic primary care;

d) likelihood that the fellowship will be of value to the applicant’s career in primary care research.

AAAPC Travelling Education Fellowship

The following are guidelines applicable to the AAAPC Travelling Education Fellowship 2024 only.


  • Foster collaborations between Australasian primary care educators/educationalists and their departments or organisations.
  • Enable partnerships with international educationalists and/or external stakeholders.
  • Provide support particularly, but not exclusively for, educators/educationalists in early stages of their career
  • Support First Nations Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pacific) primary care academics across Australasia.


The Travelling Education Fellowship is available for any activity that meets the aims of the program. This could include assisting members of AAAPC to undertake academic activities including travel to another institution to initiate or continue a joint primary care education project, and costs associated with carrying out educational research, teaching, professional educationalist development and impact.

Value and criteria for use of grant

Applications are welcome for amounts up to $5000. Fellowships must be used within twelve months of the fellowship being offered. The funds can contribute to travel costs and accommodation, plus other items such as professional development, and conference registration. The funding cannot be used to cover costs for meals and other incidentals, or publication fees for academic journals. Funds are provided by reimbursement on production of receipts.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must:

  • Be a current financial member of AAAPC & have held membership for at least one year before applying; student and First Nations members do not have a time limit on their membership for eligibility;
  • Be actively involved in primary care education/teaching;
  • Have not been awarded an AAAPC Travelling Fellowship in the previous four years, including the AAAPC Travelling Research Fellowship

Call for application

Applications will be opened on 25th August 2024

Submission process

Applications must be in minimum font size 11 point. A PDF version (in one document) should be submitted electronically to the AAAPC Secretariat ( by 5pm (AEST) 11th October 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.

Your application must include:

  • Contact details, please include if you are a student and/or First Nations member
  • Plain language summary of proposed use of funding including aims & objectives and how it will contribute and further your primary care academic career (max. 300 words)
  • Outline of activities - include how your proposed activities clearly link to the aims of your fellowship (maximum two A4 pages; table format is preferred)
  • Outcome (max 300 words) - explain how your proposed Fellowship will benefit yourself, your institution and the wider AAAPC community
  • Budget, including in-kind contributions and/or other funding sources
  • Brief curriculum Vitae - no more than two pages
  • Letter of support from head of your institution/department confirming that the financial support sought is NOT available from your home institution
  • If applicable, letter of support from the institution/department hosting your visit

Assessment process

1. Eligibility check – the application will be reviewed for eligibility including the financial membership status of the applicant.

2. Peer Review - applications will be reviewed by three members of AAAPC (without conflicts of interest) based on the aims of the Fellowship Program, in particular:

a) relevance to the goals and values of the Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care;

b) track record of the applicant relative to opportunity;

c) commitment to academic primary care;

d) likelihood that the fellowship will be of value to the applicant’s career in primary care education.



Dr Caroline McBride
Dr Claire Morley
Ms Cristina Thompson

University of Melbourne
University of Tasmania
University of Wollongong

 Ms Melis Selamoglu
Ms Shakira Onwuka
Dr Vera Costa
Dr Katelyn Barnes

 Monash University
University of Melbourne
Monash University
Australian National University

Sharon James
Nor Akma Yunus
Sanduni Madawala

 Monash University
 2020  Dr Michael Wright  University Technology Sydney
 2018  Dr Xiaoping Lin  Monash University
 2017  Prof Meredith Temple-Smith
 University of Melbourne
 2016  Dr Jennifer Walker
 University of Melbourne
 2015  Dr Joel Rhee
 University of New South Wales
 2014  Dr Irene Blackberry
 La Trobe University
 2012  Prof Parker Magin
 University of Newcastle
 2011  Dr Phyllis Lau
 University of Melbourne
 2010  Dr Caroline Laurence
 University of Adelaide
 2009  Dr Julia Walters
 University of Tasmania
 2008  Dr Joel Rhee
 University of New South Wales
 2007  Ms Deb Askew
 University of Queensland
 2006  Ms Petya Fitzpatrick
 Australian National University
 2005  Dr John Furler
 University of Melbourne
 2004  Dr Clare McGuiness
 Australian National University
 2002  Ms Helen Tolhurst
 Ms Donna Southern
 University of Newcastle
 Monash University
 2001  Ms Patty Chondros
 Ms Amanda Barnard
 University of Melbourne
 Australian National University
 2000  Dr Marie Pirotta
 University of Melbourne



President: Tim Stokes

Address: PO Box 320, Flinders Lane, VIC 8009

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